Boomslang (D. typus) male 4web 1367

Observed by guido.cozaguido.coza's reputation in Amphibians and Reptilesguido.coza's reputation in Amphibians and Reptilesguido.coza's reputation in Amphibians and Reptiles on 4th October 2013
Boomslang (D. typhus) male 4web 1367
Location: Hout Bay
Species interactions

No interactions present.

Other observations of Boomslang (Dispholidus typus subsp. typus)

Species with which Boomslang (Dispholidus typus subsp. typus) interacts


The Picture shows a, for the

The Picture shows a, for the Southern Cape typically coloured male! Females in the southern Cape are Brown with a creme or light lime green belly.


Your ID will be revised unless you do a search on iSpot for "Dispholidus typus" and see what the likely subsp is.

We give the same snake

We give the same snake different names and give these also agreements.
Nowhere do we have a reference about what constitutes what subspecies nor do we take into account that we do not have all possible subspecies in our search fields.
there are quite a number of suggestions that the all green form from Natal and Mpumalanga is a separate ssp to D.t.typus!
Do we account for it?


You take some stunning pics, Guido! Great stuff.