Waxy Currantrhus

Observed by tony rebelo
iSpot TeamBotanical Society of South Africa A-teamCape Bird ClubEntomological Society of Southern AfricaFriends of Tokai ParkProtea Atlas ProjectSenior Scout AdventureSouth African National Biodiversity InstituteSouth African National Parks Honorary RangersToyota Enviro OutreachWestern Leopard Toad Volunteer
Plants expert on 17th January 2010

Once a rare species, Waxy Currantrhus is now a dominant of the Renosterveld shale slopes of Lions Rump (or - better known as Signal Hill).
One of the theories is that the lack of Rhino and Grysbok/Steenbok is allowing these species of resprouters to dominate the local community and suppress the grasses and obligate reseeders. Various hair-brained schemes to control this have been proposed: Eland, Boerbokke, Nguni Cattle - all have their merits and demerits.
Although the area regularly burns, the fires are quickly put out and seldom cover a large area, so that most of the veld is about 15 years old. It has been argued that Renosterveld should burn shorter than Fynbos (the fuel grows much faster) and a 5-10 year cycle should be done, which may control the Waxy Currantrhus.

Location: Lions Head west of Kramat
Species interactions

No interactions present.

Other observations of Waxy Currantrhus (Searsia lucida forma lucida)

Species with which Waxy Currantrhus (Searsia lucida forma lucida) interacts