jumping spider

Observed by malcolmhacksley on 8th February 2013
jumping spider
Jumping spider2

This spider is black. It grows to about 7mm from the tips of the left legs to the tips of the right ones, all of which are on the sides rather than the front of the body. It does not scuttle or run but jumps very rapidly. We have never seen more than one at a time in any one room. Its bite is deeply painful, since the venom seems to affect large muscles. Where it bites, the flesh becomes very hard in an area up to 40mm in diameter and remains painful and extremely itchy for up to three weeks. The pain is not merely surface irritation. Please will someone identify it for me? Thanks.

Location: 6574, Stirk Rd
Species interactions

No interactions present.

Other observations of Jumping Spiders (Salticidae)

Species with which Jumping Spiders (Salticidae) interacts


Jumping Spiders

You can read their wikipedia page here.

Their bites can be painful but harmless. They are brilliant hunters and eat all the pesky flies, mosquitoes etc. So the more you have in your house the better. They will only bite a human if forced to (such as if you accidentally sit on one). I have lots of them in my house and have never been bitten. Little friends is what they are.

This bite does not describe

This bite does not describe this spider's:
I am unaware of this species causing the symptoms outlined above.

Does it actually bite through the skin?


A brief scan through web articles and it would seem that Salticidae can indeed bite through the skin, though it happens very rarely (I'm guessing the spider was provoked). The bite can be painful and the area will be painful for a few hours and can be swollen for a few days. However some people have an allergic reaction to them, the severity of which depends on the individual. Sounds like this might have happened here.


Allergic reactions usually require a previous bite, usually several.
To be bitten once is rare, two be bitten twice at least two weeks apart must be extremely rare ...

Please change your group Malcolm

Go 'edit'- then change the group to "Invertebrates", don't touch anything else in the ID box or you'll end up making a duplicate ID.

duplicate deleted

duplicate deleted http://ispot.org.za/node/181480
Group changed to invertebrates.
Locality unhidden.

Please edit any alterations you don't agree with.

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