
Observed by M KriekM Kriek's reputation in InvertebratesM Kriek's reputation in InvertebratesM Kriek's reputation in Invertebrates on 3rd June 2013
P1090329, klein, springsp
P1090344, klein
Location: 24, Umvemve Pl
Species interactions

Other observations of Salticidae

Species with which Salticidae interacts



Now that is absurd. Must be the biggest head to body ratio in a spider that I have ever seen.

I know I am asking the impossible, but you did not get a front view of the head: those fore eyes just have to be intelligent with so much brain power.

no other angle

Got a series of this interesting spider, but all from about the same angle. A small spider and had difficulty focusing. Was found along the Longshadows trail in deep forest close by a stream. Not sure that it is a jumping spider either, and the white woolly abdomen is also unusual (to me the novice).

it has to be a jumper

although with a head like that it might be a butter!

Dead spider & entomopathogenic fungus

This is a dead or paralysed spider "glued" to the leaf by the mycelium with fruiting bodies of the entomopathogenic fungus (order Laboulbeniales, Ascomycota; the woolly white stuff) which killed it. The spider's cephalothorax looks so large, relatively, because the fungus has consumed most of its abdomen. Zoom in on the second photo.

@Mostert: will you please upload the second photo in higher resolution?

Looking at the arrangement of the eyes, the spider does not seem to be a salticid.

-- Beetledude


On second thoughts, the fungus is not Laboulbeniales, which have different, very distinctive fruiting bodies. A higher resolution image may help to identify the entomopathogen. I am thinking in the direction of Hypocreales now.

-- Beetledude

Wow: looks like a great

Wow: looks like a great Interaction: please post an interaction to the fungus!


Who knew?! Thank you for, once again, enlightening us with such fascinating info! It is a wondrous world :)

Fascinating wondrous world?

Not if you are a spider and wake up with a bad case of Athletes Foot and find yourself glued to a leaf!!!

Eye arrangement

Eye arrangement looks very similar to Thyene (e.g. see http://salticidae.org/salticid/diagnost/thyene/phra-kph.htm), but that just happens to be the Salticid species illustrated on page 261 of African Spiders.

Nominated as Observation of the Month

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